Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

This seminar was about gauging public perceptions of things.  Can a social network build a global brand?  Jesse Eisenberg, the youngest member on the panel, created, a website you can post clever comments giving different takes on one topic.  The panel pointed out that the consumer is really the one who owns the brand.  Chevrolet has opened up to Mofilm to find out what people think of the company and brand overall. 

Time Warner
The headline for this seminar was “thinking inside the box.”  It is no longer TV versus internet rather it’s TV on the internet.  Internet provides tons of new power to the viewer for viewing their favorite shows.  Also Twitter is becoming more popular than news because its instant.  For instance, one tweet caused a huge interest for a CNN special program about Charlie Sheen just minutes before it was to air.  This is reiterating the point that social networking is hugely impacting the entertainment world.  It cannot compete with TV however for how perfect a platform it still remains to be for storytelling.  With journalism, there is a danger of wrong information.  It causes such a threat because of how it is able to spread so quickly.  TV provides better and faster information than newspapers which has led to the demise of the newspaper industry.  HBO has completely changed the TV industry by its commercial-free format.  Film directors are also exploring new territory by doing commercials in order to further challenge their creativity.    

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